Like many small and medium-sized businesses, yours probably relies on a great deal of printed material from business card and brochures to banners, posters and so much more. You might be tempted to shave a few dollars off your marketing budget by going with certain online printing companies. But consider these five reasons why a local design and print shop has a better ROI (return on investment) for your company.

  1. Your local design and print shop knows your local area. If your business is hyper-local, part of your marketing goal is to reach customers in your geographic area. No online printer can know more about your locale than a print shop doing business in that same area.
  2. You can see live demonstrations of their process and live proof samples of your products. Online printers may show you a PDF proof of your job, but with a local print shop, you can hold your product in your hand and see the vibrancy of colors right up close, pick from more paper options, and (if you want) you get to deal with an actual person in-person.
  3. A local print and design shop can tell you what’s trending in your area, what other business owners and customers are looking for, and what they respond to. How’s that for market research?
  4. By eliminating shipping costs, you add more dollars to your marketing budget. With a local print shop, you also get your product faster because you cut out shipping time.
  5. A local printer gives you a much more hands on approach to your design work. No emailing back and forth – just sit down with your printer and designer and come up with art, graphics, and verbiage that work.

Getting your marketing materials right the first time is important. A local printer can help you do that. Think about it – if we knew how to get your attention (their target market), we know how to help you reach your target market as well. Working with your local design and print shop (like iDesign) has the added benefit of putting the ideas of two businesses together. And they say “two heads are always better than one.”

Contact us today to request more information on how we can help you and your business.